Stasia Erickson

Privacy Policy

So, I know that less than 1% of people actually read these types of things. However, if you are one of those detail-oriented go-getters, I attempted to write this with a Flesch Readability Score of a 60 or so to prevent your eyes from glazing over after reading the first sentence of this online document.

In general, the only access that I have to your information is whatever you include in the emails or forms that you fill out and submit through my website. The information is sent to my email account and nowhere else. I might use your email address you provide to get back to you, but that is the limit of what I will use it for. Unlike some big companies, I do not and will not sell any of your information to other people or entities.

If the government needs any of the information provided in my website forms then that would be the only case in which I would let other people see it.

Whenever people visit my website, Google Analytics will collect data from their devices such as the location of their internet router, what type of device they use, which pages of the website they visit, and what links they use to find the website (such as social media links, Google searches, etc.). I can see some of this data, and I do use it to try to improve the overall design of my website, but the data does not tell me who is actually visiting my website. In fact, Google Analytics doesn't really tell me anything super useful. I might switch to a different analytics tool someday.

And that's my privacy policy. If you read this far then congratulations! I think you are pretty awesome and I hope you have a great day!